The Playboy of the Western World

by J M Synge


Tower Theatre, Canonbury
January 23rd - 30th, 1988

Cast List

Margaret Flaherty (called Pegeen Mike) : Pamela Long
Shawn Keogh, a young farmer, her cousin : David Blount
Michael James Flaherty, a publican, Pegeen Mike's father : Jim Spall

Philly Cullen : Tom Tillery
Jimmy Farrell : Peter Bond
Small farmers

Christopher Mahon (Christy) : Ben Crocker
Widow Quin : Kate Kelly

Susan Brady : Liz Barnes
Honor Blake : Anne Daly
Sara Tansey : Siobhan Flynn
Village girls

Old Mahon : Michael Gabe
A Bellman : George Webb
Villagers : Marjorie Hogg, Chris Holmes, Jerry Moreton

The Playboy of the Western World


The Playboy of the Western World

Production Team

Director : Noreen Spall
Set Design : Colin Winter
Lighting Design : Alan Root

Stage Manager : Chris Holmes
ASMs : Diane White, Claire Rice, Jerry Moreton
Lighting operator : Alan Root
Sound operator : Val Whitehouse
Wardrobe : Sue Gardner, Marjorie Hogg
Set construction : Peter Benson, Dinah Irvine, Bill Leahy, Steve Rozzi, Chris Seal, Malcolm Wynder & members of the cast and crew