The Odd Couple

by Neil Simon


Tower Theatre, Canonbury
May 7th - 15th, 1982

Cast List

Speed : Dennis Elam
Murray : John Newton
Roy : Chris Gregory
Vinnie : George Hammond
Oscar Madison : Guy Saunders
Felix Ungar : Paul Rutledge
Gwendolyn Pigeon : Siobhan Elam
Cecily Pigeon : Lesley Bilton

The Odd Couple


The Odd Couple

Production Team

Director : Jack Wood
Set Design : Richard Heggett
Lighting Design : David Cannell

Stage Manager : Fiona Hope
DSMs : Margaret Leask, Janet Tomkins
ASMs : Helen Dumbrell, Darrell Higson
Sound operator : Ann Curtin
Lighting operator : Angela Jenkins
Wardrobe : Marcia Servente
Set construction : Richard Heggett, Dennis Elam, Christian Gregory, Stephen Ley